Freitag, 28.02.
Ralf Müller2020-02-28T20:15:35+01:00Early Bird "The Chief" 5 rounds, Amrap 3 min (1 min Rest b/t) 3 Power Clean, 60/42.5 6 Push Up 9 Air Squats [...]
Early Bird "The Chief" 5 rounds, Amrap 3 min (1 min Rest b/t) 3 Power Clean, 60/42.5 6 Push Up 9 Air Squats [...]
HYROX5 Rounds, 1 min each:Wall Balls30s RestBurpee Broad Jump30s RestRow for Calories30s Rest10m Shuttle Run30s Rest
“Complex Fran” For Time: 6 Bar Muscle-ups 9 C2b Pull-ups 12 Pull-ups 21 Thrusters, 52.5/37.5 6 Bar Muscle-ups 9 C2b Pull-ups 12 Pull-ups 15 [...]
HYROX„Reed“5 rounds, 1 min each:RowSquatsSlam BallsSit-ups
“Venti” AMRAP 20: 20 Wall-Balls, 9/6 20 Alt. DB Snatch, 22.5/15 20 Box Jumps, 24/20″ 20 1-arm DB Push Press, 22.5/15 (10/side) 40 Double [...]
Team-WOD “Wrong Turn” Teams of 2, Amrap 30 9 Front Squats, 52.5/37.5 7 Burpee Box Jump Overs, 24/20″ 5/3 Bar Muscle-Ups 30 Double-unders Courtesy [...]
BURN2 rounds, 40s work - 20s rest of:Box-JumpsPush-upsV-upsAlt. LungesLeg RaisesPull-upsLateral LungesSide Plank RTMountain ClimberSide Plank LTAlt. PistolsWide-handed Push-upsJumping Squats
“Underrated”AMRAP 9:30 Double Unders1 Hang Squat Clean, 60/42.530 Double Unders2 Hang Squat Clean, 60/42.530 Double Unders3 Hang Squat Clean, 60/42.5etc. *Continue adding 1 Hang Squat Clean [...]
Team-WODIn teams of 2, for time:8K RowOne rows, other works200 Wall Balls, 9/6150 TTB100 Box Jump over *Finish time is when all work is completed [...]
“Zoolander”AMRAP 15:30 Double Unders10 Power Clean, 70/47.530 Double Unders10 Bar Facing BurpeesCourtesy of CompTrain Ergebnisse anzeigen