Freitag, 21.02.
Ralf Müller2020-02-21T09:46:41+01:00Early Bird14 min Amrap, w/vest:2 Wall Climb6 alt KB Snatch. 24/169 Pull Ups12 KB Thruster (6/side)15 Push Ups18 KBS36m Farmers Walk w. 2 plates 20/1572 [...]
Early Bird14 min Amrap, w/vest:2 Wall Climb6 alt KB Snatch. 24/169 Pull Ups12 KB Thruster (6/side)15 Push Ups18 KBS36m Farmers Walk w. 2 plates 20/1572 [...]
Strict GymnasticsFor Time:50 Strict HSPU*5 Min Time Cap“Bubbles”AMRAP 12 min:8 Bar Facing Burpees25 Double UndersRow ConditioningIn teams of 2…Row 5K - change as you want! [...]
HYROX "George" FOR TIME: 1.6K Run Then 5 Rounds of: 20 Squats 20 Burpees 20 Sit-ups 20 Push-ups Then 1.6K Run Ergebnisse [...]
WODEvery 4:00 x 4:7 Power Snatch, 52.5/37.550 Double unders7 OHS, 52.5/37.5Courtesy of CompTrain
Team-WOD Team Series 18.6 2 rounds: 100 cal row (Switch e.25) 50 HSPU (total) (TC: 20 min) After 20 min 5 min Amrap: Back [...]
WODE3MOM x5:16 OH-Lunges, 42.5/302x Bar-Complex unbroken:5 TTB4 Pull-ups3 C2bIn remaining time:max bar-facing Burpee Ergebnisse anzeigen
"Unknown Heroes"21 Front Squat, 43/3021 Pull Ups21 SDHP, 43/3021 Push Up21 Push Press21 Wall Walk21 Squat Clean, 43/3021 Burpees21 Curtis P's, 43/3021 TTB21 Double unders21 [...]
“Deep End”5 Rounds:1 min Cals Row1 min Power Clean, 52.5/37.51 min Lateral Burpees1 min Rest Ergebnisse anzeigen
Early Bird"Moszer"9 Rounds for time:300m run6 Air Squats6 Pull Ups6 Box Jumps, 24/20"6 Burpees6 Sit Ups6 alt Lunges6 KBS, 24/16 'Wear a vest if available [...]
HYROXIn teams of 2, Amrap 30 min:500m Row25 Wallballs500m Row30m Burpee Broad Jumps500m Row25 Wallballs Ergebnisse anzeigen