Dienstag, 18.04.
In Teams of two: Amrap 18: 50 C2b Pull-ups 60 DB-Squats, 24/16 70 DB-Thruster, 24/16 60 Partner-Sit-up 50 cal row 10 Rope Climb -> only [...]
In Teams of two: Amrap 18: 50 C2b Pull-ups 60 DB-Squats, 24/16 70 DB-Thruster, 24/16 60 Partner-Sit-up 50 cal row 10 Rope Climb -> only [...]
100 RFT: 1 Strict HSPU 2 Squat Cleans, 60/42.5 3 Burpees Courtesy of Ben Bergeron Ergebnisse anzeigen
Karfreitags-WOD am Trimm-Dich-Pfad: A. Fireman´s-Carry B. Run 2.1K w/some exercises b/t: 1x Balancing on tree-trunk 2x Monkey-bar 50 Push-ups w/feet on deck 50 Squats 50 [...]
5 RFT: 18-15-12-9-6 TTB 18 Wall-Balls, 9/6 TC: 12 Ergebnisse anzeigen
2 rounds, each for time: 10 Tire Sledge Hammer, 10/6 1 lap around box 6 Box-overs w/DBs, 2x25/15 1 lap around box 40m Sled-Push, BWT [...]
TEAM-WOD Amrap 20: Partner 1: 8 shuttle runs 8 Burpees to bar Partner 2: max FR-Lunges w/2 KB, 24/16 Score is reps x weight [...]
OPEN 17.1 10 DB-Snatch 15 burpee box jump-overs 20 DB-Snatch 15 burpee box jump-overs 30 DB-Snatch 15 burpee box jump-overs 40 DB-Snatch 15 burpee box [...]
1. WOD I CF Games Rope-Clean 5 Rope Climb, 5 Clean & Jerk, 65/50 4 Rope Climb 4 Clean & Jerk, 75/60 3 Rope Climb [...]
“Bridges” 5 RFT: 10 def. HSPU, 10/5cm 15 Thrusters, 70/47.5 20 Lateral Burpees 25 Pull-Ups TC: 30 Courtesy of Invictus CrossFit Ergebnisse anzeigen [...]