Donnerstag, 22.03.
800m run w/KB on shoulder, 24/16 Then EMOM 7: 1) 2 Burpees + 2 Squats 2) 4 Burpees + 4 Squats 3) 6 Burpees + [...]
800m run w/KB on shoulder, 24/16 Then EMOM 7: 1) 2 Burpees + 2 Squats 2) 4 Burpees + 4 Squats 3) 6 Burpees + [...]
TEAM-WOD Amrap 14: 9 am. KBS, 32/24 6 Russian Twists, alt. 1 Line Farmers Walk, 2x32.5/25 Ergebnisse anzeigen
2 rounds each, 20 sec on/off: Row, Squats, Pull-ups, Push-ups 5 min rest, then For max rounds: 2 Clean & Jerk, 60/42.5 2 TTB -> add 2 [...]
100 OHS, 42.5/30 -> EMOM do 3 Lateral Burpees TC: 20 Ergebnisse anzeigen
“Last Man Standing” EMOM for as long as possible – once you fail at a certain movement, move immediately to the next (starting with the [...]
As a team: Run 1.7k together, then 2 rounds: 2 Rope Climbs 20 Burpees 20 Wall-Balls 20 Burpees TC: 30 Notes: run together, only one [...]
In 30 min complete: Run 1.7k, then Amrap: 10 Burpees 20 alt. Jumping lunges 10 KBS, 32/24 20 alt. HSPU -> only one is working, [...]
With a Partner: Run 1.6k together Row 1k Run 800m together Row 1k Run 400m together Row 1k Divide row 50:50! TC: 30 [...]
EMOM 30: ODD: 5 Pull-ups + 10 Push ups + 15 Squats EVEN: 15 Burpees Ergebnisse anzeigen
5 RFT: 5 Power cleans, 42.5/30 5 Thrusters, 42.5/30 5 bar-facing burpees TC: 10 Ergebnisse anzeigen