Mittwoch, 08.01.

Von |2020-01-09T08:27:58+01:00Januar 8th, 2020|Allgemein, WOD, WOD Archiv|

HYROXWODa) EMOM 610 Burpee Broad Jumpsb) EMOM 620 Lunges (total)c) EMOM 620 Mountain Climber (each foot)d) EMOM 615 Jumping Squats *2 min rest b/tMidline2 rounds:25 Sit-ups25 [...]

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Mittwoch, 08.01.

Von |2020-01-09T08:24:44+01:00Januar 8th, 2020|Allgemein, WOD, WOD Archiv|

“Fight or Flight”AMRAP 15:15 Wallballs, 9/615 Hang Power Snatch, 42.5/3015 Box Jumps, 24/20“15 Front Squat, 42.5/3050 Double undersCourtesy of CompTrain Ergebnisse anzeigen [...]

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Samstag, 04.01.

Von |2020-01-04T15:57:08+01:00Januar 4th, 2020|Allgemein, WOD, WOD Archiv|

TEAM-WODIn teams of 2…Amrap 20 min:20 DB Push-Press, 22.5/1520 TTB20 Burpees20 Push upsImmediately into…Amrap 20 min:20 alt. DB-Snatch, 22.5/1520 HSPU20 Box-Jumps, 24/20"20 Pull-ups Ergebnisse [...]

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Samstag, 28.12.

Von |2019-12-28T12:20:25+01:00Dezember 28th, 2019|Allgemein, WOD, WOD Archiv|

WOD15 rounds:1 Squat Snatch 60/452 def. HSPU3 burpeesThen 15 rounds:1 Squat Snatch 65/502 def. HSPU3 BurpeesThen 15 rounds:1 Squat Snatch 70/52.52 def. HSPU3 BurpeesTC: 45 [...]

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Freitag, 27.12.

Von |2019-12-27T20:08:10+01:00Dezember 27th, 2019|Allgemein, WOD, WOD Archiv|

“Lead Foot”AMRAP 4:27/21 cal Row27 Burpees27 C2b Pull-ups… Rest 4 minAMRAP 4:21/15 cal Row21 Burpees21 TTB… Rest 4 minAMRAP 4:15/9 cal Row15 Burpees15 Pull-upsCourtesy of [...]

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