Samstag, 24.08.
“343”100 Deadlift, 65/52.5100 Power Cleans, 42.5/30100 G2OH, 30/1543 Burpees Ergebnisse anzeigen
“343”100 Deadlift, 65/52.5100 Power Cleans, 42.5/30100 G2OH, 30/1543 Burpees Ergebnisse anzeigen
“Hangnail”AMRAP 16 min:30 DB Hang C&J, 22.5/15300m Run20 Bar Facing Burpees15 Deadlifts, 111/75Courtesy of CompTrain Ergebnisse anzeigen
“Barbell Cycling”For Time:10 Squat Cleans (45%)8 Squat Cleans (55%)6 Squat Cleans (65%)4 Squat Cleans (75%)2 Squat Cleans (85%)“Chips Ahoy”For Time:30 C2b400m Run15 OHS, 60/42.5800m Run15 [...]
“Swole Cycle”8 rds, 20s on / 10s off:Strict Pull-upsDouble-undersStrict HSPUDouble-undersCourtesy of CompTrain Ergebnisse anzeigen
„Marc‘s FGB-Style-Team-WOD“ 3 rounds, you go, I go, each one 30s: 1.. TTB 2.. am. KBS, 24/16 3.. Box Jump Over, 24/20“ 4.. HSPU [...]
“Burn”Amrap 20 min:Stationary Overhead-Lunges, 20/10 *every time you must stop, there is a 10/5 Push-up penalty, that goes up by 5 each time! Ergebnisse anzeigen [...]
“Hit and Run”3 Rounds @32.5/22.5:400m Run12 DB Power Snatches21 Single DB-SquatsTC: 15Courtesy of CompTrain Ergebnisse anzeigen
“Marc‘s short trip“5 rounds:3 Power Clean @70-75% of 1RM6 Muscle-ups12 HSPU Ergebnisse anzeigen
“Blockbuster” AMRAP 5: Buy-In: 42/30 cal Row Max rounds “The Chief”, 60/42.5 - 5 min rest - AMRAP 5: Buy-In: 30/22 cal Row Max [...]
“Early Bird” 4 rounds: 10 alt. DB Hang Split Snatch, 25/15 5 DB OH Squats, RT 5 DB OH Squats, LT 15 Pull Ups [...]