Samstag, 07.07.
40 pieces of Angie: For time: Buy-in: 400m run 40 rounds: 5 Pull-ups 5 Push-ups 5 Sit-ups 5 Squats Cash-out: 400m run Ergebnisse anzeigen [...]
40 pieces of Angie: For time: Buy-in: 400m run 40 rounds: 5 Pull-ups 5 Push-ups 5 Sit-ups 5 Squats Cash-out: 400m run Ergebnisse anzeigen [...]
1-3-5-7-9 wtd Pistols, e.l., 12/7.5 Strict HSPU -> 25 DUs each round TC: 12 Ergebnisse anzeigen
CFBT OneEgo 2018 Final WOD For time: 50 Wall-Balls, 9/6 45 Single-arm KB Clean & Jerk, 32/24 40 Ring Dips 35 HSPU 30 Hang Power [...]
400m run then 3 rounds: 5 C&J, 60/42.5 10 C2b Pull-ups 15 Burpees then 400m run TC: 15 Ergebnisse anzeigen [...]
Teams of 2: 200m run w/KB, 32/24 100x KB-Complex, 32/24 (2 High-Pulls, 2 Goblet-Squats, 2 KBS) 200m run w/KB, 32/24 -> run together, change KB [...]
100 Wall Balls, 9/6 75 KBS, 24/16 50 jumping Lunges 25 Pull-ups TC: 18 Ergebnisse anzeigen
"Riley" 2.4K run 150 Burpees 2.4K run Wear a weight-vest if available! Ergebnisse anzeigen
30 Burpee-Box-Jumps, 24/20" 30 TTB 30 Push Jerks, 60/42.5 800m run Ergebnisse anzeigen
Teams of 2: Amrap 15 min: 3 KBS, 3 Box-Jump-over, 3 Wall-Balls 6 KBS, 6 Box-Jump-over, 6 Wall-Balls 9 KBS, 9 Box-Jump-over, 9 Wall-Balls … [...]
Amrap 10: 10 Power Snatch, 42.5/30 10 Burpees Courtesy of Ergebnisse anzeigen