For Time:
1K Row
Directly into:
30 DB Snatch, 22.5/15
15 Burpee BJO, 24/20“
20 DB Snatch, 22.5/15
10 Burpee BJO, 24/20“
10 DB Snatch, 22.5/15
5 Burpee BJO, 24/20“
Courtesy of CompTrain
For Time:
1K Row
Directly into:
30 DB Snatch, 22.5/15
15 Burpee BJO, 24/20“
20 DB Snatch, 22.5/15
10 Burpee BJO, 24/20“
10 DB Snatch, 22.5/15
5 Burpee BJO, 24/20“
Courtesy of CompTrain