Teams of 2:
Amrap 15 min:
3 KBS, 3 Box-Jump-over, 3 Wall-Balls
6 KBS, 6 Box-Jump-over, 6 Wall-Balls
9 KBS, 9 Box-Jump-over, 9 Wall-Balls
KB: 24/16
BJO: 24/20“
Wall-Ball, 9/6
-> partners alternate full rounds!
Courtesy of CompTrain
Teams of 2:
Amrap 15 min:
3 KBS, 3 Box-Jump-over, 3 Wall-Balls
6 KBS, 6 Box-Jump-over, 6 Wall-Balls
9 KBS, 9 Box-Jump-over, 9 Wall-Balls
KB: 24/16
BJO: 24/20“
Wall-Ball, 9/6
-> partners alternate full rounds!
Courtesy of CompTrain