Dienstag, 03.01.
Teams of 2: 100 Pull-ups 200 Push-ups 300 Wall-Balls, 9/6 -> reps only count while Partner is rowing 300m TC: 25 Ergebnisse anzeigen [...]
Teams of 2: 100 Pull-ups 200 Push-ups 300 Wall-Balls, 9/6 -> reps only count while Partner is rowing 300m TC: 25 Ergebnisse anzeigen [...]
"Miagi" 50 deadlifts, 60/42.5 50 double-KBS, 24/16 50 push-ups 50 clean & jerk, 60/42.5 50 pull-ups 50 KB-Taters, 24/16 50 box jumps, 24/20´´ 50 wall [...]
Amrap 18: 5 strict Pull-ups 5 HSPU 5 Floor-Presses, 60/45 5 Floor Whipers, e.s., 60/45 -> one person works, other rows for cal., then change [...]
2 rounds of Cindy: 5 Pull-ups 10 Push-ups 15 Squats - 4 Box-over, 2x25/15 - 2 rounds of rowing Eva: 800m row 30 KBS, 32/24 [...]
20 Hang power cleans, 60/42.5 30 TTB 20 OHS, 60/42.5 30 Box jumps, 30/24´´ 20 Push press, 60/42.5 30 Burpees 20 Back squat, 60/42.5 [...]
Teams of 2 for reps: Amrap 5: Wall climbs 2 min rest Amrap 5: 5 Pull-ups 10 KBS, 24/16 2 min rest Amrap 5: 10 [...]
1. W/U 2. PUSH PRESS 15 min for 1RM 3. SKILL choose a skill you missed 4. WOD „Fran" 21-15-9 of: Thruster, 42.5/30 Pull-ups [...]
20 Pull-ups 30 Deadlifts, 100/70 40 Box-Jumps-overs, 24/20´´ 50 Wall-Balls, 9/6 60 Double-unders (240 SU) 50 Wall-Balls, 9/6 40 Box-Jumps-overs, 24/20´´ 30 Deadlifts, 100/70 [...]
1. W/U 2. SKILL Max effort of A. C2b Pull-ups B. Push-ups 3. SPLIT JERK 15 min to find new 1RM 4. WOD "GI Jane" [...]
1. W/U 2. WOD „Chelsea" EMOM 30: 5 Pull-ups 10 Push-ups 15 Squats 3. CARDIO For Time 5k row / 5k run Ergebnisse anzeigen [...]